What is “Movement Education”?

Movement Education taps into each individual’s innate intelligence to guide the sessions. During Brain FUNdamental sessions, the client learns (and engages in) various simple movement activities that help integrate primitive reflexes, calm the brain/body system, relieve stress, improve focus and attention, and more!

What ages do you work with?

Brain FUNdamentals works with school-age children as well as teens and adults.

What are “Primitive Reflexes” and how do you integrate them?

Primitive Reflexes are early movement patterns that we all have as babies. Check out the “Our Methods” page for more information. How do we integrate (finish) the reflexes? The simple answer is MOVEMENT! Simple, intentional movements that are easy and fun to do.

How often do you see clients?

We generally see clients for one hour a week.

How much does it cost?

Costs vary depending on the service. Contact us for more information!

What makes Brain FUNdamentals different?

At Brain FUNdamentals, we look at challenges from a different perspective- from a whole brain and body perspective. We dig deeper to find the underlying causes of behavioral and learning difficulties and use movement to change the brain and make positive progress!

Who is your typical client?

Our typical clients are children that struggle with learning challenges, anxiety, ADHD/ADD, Autism, Dyslexia and other such struggles. Often times, parents have tried other types of therapy and services that didn’t produce the results that they were hoping for. We are often the “Someplace Else” that people come to.

What does a typical session look like?

A typical one hour session consists of a warm up activity, goal setting and “work“, “rest”, and “play“. The sessions are fun, engaging and client centered. The children are playing, moving, and doing “work” that often feels like play!