Brain FUNdamentals LLC.

Positive changes through movement.

Are you ready for a different perspective?

Child struggling with ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Sensory Challenges, Learning Challenges, Autism or Dyslexia?

Are you looking for support and help?

Innovative Approach

Brain FUNdamentals offers an innovative brain & body approach to addressing learning and behavioral challenges.

Holistic and Movement-Based

We utilize a unique, holistic, and movement-based program to help school-aged children and families who face difficulties such as anxiety, sensory issues, ADHD, dyslexia, and other social-emotional issues. Our approach is different, as we focus on addressing brain immaturities that can hinder learning and behavior. By tackling the root cause of the problem, we help bring about lasting change.

Adult Education

Another goal at Brain FUNdamentals is to educate others on the impact of movement on learning and behavior. Our courses are tailored to teachers, parents, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and other professionals who can benefit from our expertise. Check out the adult courses page for more info about adult courses and workshops!

“My daughter is on a paddle board.

On the water. Balancing! I imagine you understand the impact of just what a fantastic feat this is. And it is because of the work you are doing with her. I can’t thank you enough.

She’s so much calmer, more present, able to focus. She has more confidence and she feels good in her body. She up-leveled in her swim class to the highest level. And she looks forward to your sessions as “kinda of like therapy”. Thank thank thank you thank you!!!”

R.T.- Parent

I’m ready for positive changes