
How can we help your organization?


Brain FUNdamentals facilitates interactive workshops for parents, schools and other organizations that work with children and families. The workshops focus on addressing behavioral and learning challenges from a different perspective- by working with the brain & body system as a whole.

Peak Performance

Children are better able to reach their peak performance by using the specially designed movements taught during these experiential workshops thereby maximize their learning potential!

Popular Workshops

Two popular workshops are: “From a State of Stress…to Readi-ness: Using Brain Gym® to Unlock the Door to Learning” and “The Key to Underlying Behavioral and Learning Challenges: Primitive Reflexes.”

Custom Workshops!

Custom workshops are also available and may be online or in-person. We will work with you to design a workshop that best meets your needs. If you’d like more information or would like to discuss a custom workshop, just get in touch!

Want to learn more?


One-to-One Movement Education


Adult Courses