Next Adult Courses Coming Up In July!


Next Adult Courses Coming Up In July! 〰️

Adult Courses

Work with children who struggle or have your own? Come and learn easy movement tools you can use right away!

Experiential and Interactive

Our courses really give you time to delve deep into the material. Experiential and interactive, the courses afford participants the opportunity to move through the learning themselves. It’s like a mini-retreat for YOU!

Primitive Reflex Integration

Learn, experience, and explore how early movement patterns (Primitive Reflexes) affect learning, behavior, focus, attention, emotional regulation, and more! This eye-opening workshop is perfect for parents of children who struggle, teachers, therapists, and anyone who works with children.


Join us for 1 day, 2 days, or all 3!

Level I: Emotional Regulation, Anxiety, Reflexes, and the Fight/Flight/Freeze Response

Level II: (Pre-requisite Level I) Sensory Processing, Body Control, and Learning

Level III: (Pre-requisite Levels I & II) Posture, Auditory Processing, and Concentration

Brain Gym®

Experience the 26 Brain Gym® movements that address the physical skills of learning. Ideal for teachers, parents and other professionals that work with children, participants learn how the specially designed Brain Gym movements can bring about changes in focus, organization, comprehension, coordination, communication, memory and more!

Additional Info

Massachusetts DESE PDP’S are available for teachers participating in adult courses (if you so choose).


“…The three days I spent with Amy learning the content, applying the content, and working through questions and hypothetical scenarios was a learning experience I would highly recommend.
Amy is extremely knowledgeable in the content of the course and can teach the tenets with ease. However, when she was working with the group, she also made everything accessible to all of the adult learners in the room. She taught a variety of individuals within that one group (parents in fields unrelated to education, adults who were attending for their own needs, and others of us in the field of education). Her approach to the course was incredibly practical, adjustable, and applicable for everyone in attendance.”

-A.F. (Speech & Language Pathologist)

