One-To-One Movement Education

Individualized sessions to maximize progress.


Brain FUNdamentals provides individualized one-to-one Movement Education in our office located in Westborough, MA.


During sessions, our school-aged clients work on Goal Setting, Primitive Reflex Integration, and learning to “notice” how the brain and body system are working together. All the while, experiencing simple movements and learning empowering strategies that can be in their daily lives.


Sessions are fun, educational, and purposeful. Positive changes in attention, focus, anxiety, coordination, and emotional regulation follow!


“Our 11 year old son has made the most amazing strides working with Amy! He has struggled for years with intense anxiety and low self-esteem due to his diagnosis of dyslexia and dysgraphia, which makes school and learning a major challenge for him.

In just a few months of Brain Fundamentals, we noticed major changes in his ability to self-regulate, work through challenges with positive coping skills and feel happier and more capable to complete tasks during his day. With Amy's support to balance his brain, body and emotions, he has been able to attend to tasks at school that used to feel impossible, such as learning how to read and writing long essays. He went from a beginning 1st grade reading level in September, to a 3rd grade reading level this winter...a massive improvement!

His teachers have remarked that he is like a different kid, and is consistently working really hard on assignments, where he used to refuse to do the work. He has even been called a "leader" in his emotional skills group by his school counselor. We've also noticed so many positive changes at home, where he is less argumentative, in a more positive mood and getting along well with his older brother, who he used to fight with consistently.

We are SO impressed and forever grateful for all the growth and progress he has made since embarking on his journey with Amy and addressing his underlying brain/body issues."

L.V. -Parent

I’m Ready for Positive Changes.

Get in touch to set up a free inquiry call!

