Sometimes You Just Get Stuck
*Please note- this blog post was written during my time at Brain Fit Academy Inc. I have since continued this amazing work under my own company- Brain FUNdamentals LLC. I hope you enjoy!
Sometimes, you can just get "stuck". Emotionally stuck. It may be for a day, a few weeks, or even for years. But just- stuck.
This has happened to me- on multiple occasions. And, I'm sure that many of you can also relate. And you know what? I never realized how stuck I was- and I'm talking for YEARS.
I just couldn't move past certain emotions. I couldn't get past certain events, or let them go from my thoughts. And as I moved through life, I took it day-by-day, hour by hour. But I was stuck!
The thing I learned from working at Brain Fit Academy- well, one of the first things I learned, is that movement- intentional movement, can help get you un-stuck.
You see, at Brain Fit, we move our bodies in intentional ways- with a goal in mind, to "un-stick" what got stuck. We re-organize our system- the brain and body system, to move us through and past what got us stuck. It's not always easy. And it can certainly be (emotionally) messy sometimes- but it works. It really, really works.
Sometimes, those movements are developmental type movements- to integrate primitive reflexes. And sometimes they are movements that help us cross the midlines of our bodies or to calm and reduce stress using Brain Gym® activities. Or maybe, they are movements that come from the Rhythmic Movement Training program- that helps bring rhythm back into the body.
Any (and all) of these can help a person- be they a child, a teen or an adult- to move forward in life, to feel better and happier, to un-stick the emotions or thoughts and continue on in life.
Life isn't about being stuck. It isn't about living day-to-day, it isn't about being so focused on thoughts that you can't enjoy what is going on around you.
It's about enjoying, and laughing and living in the moment.
I love that I get to do this work with kids. I love that I can help them get un-stuck and I also love that I have the support system for myself when I need to move forward.
And, by literally moving- is how we do it.